

LAKEWOOD PRESS March 7, 1918, Pg. 19

That Lakewood has more than the usual number of musicians, vocal and instrumental is admitted. That these musicians have for some time favored the organization of a club in order to not only fraternize, but to interchange valuable knowledge as well as to spend the evening in music, is also a fact.

A move is now on foot to effect such an organization. Many names could be mentioned in this article of persons who are very talented, but there are no doubt, just as many who would be eligible to membership not known to the writer.

It has been suggested that a meeting be held in the near future to talk the matter over and have each person present suggest names for membership. At the Highland Studio building on Detroit Avenue, where, by the way, there are at least a half dozen artists, a meeting could be held for such a purpose.

Mr. A.C. Ruoff, as well as Mrs. Ruoff, having studios in this building, are heartily in favor of such a project, as are also many others. Mr. L.A. Lawrence, artist and photographer, having splendid exhibit rooms and studio parlors in this building, and who needs no introduction in Lakewood, and having one the finest appointed studios in this section, enjoying the patronage of many of the Lakewood's best citizens, offers the use of his exhibit rooms for such meetings free.

A look around the studio of Mr. Lawrence indicates that he must be a lover of children. Everywhere are the photographs of prominent Lakewood men, taken in such poses as to be the most effective and that they are works of art, all agree. The studio of Mr. Lawrence is in keeping with the rest of Lakewood's enterprises and is a credit to not only Mr. Lawrence, but to the city itself.

Mr. Lawrence prides himself on giving service and the people of Cleveland as well as Lakewood are not slow to realize this. A special feature is home portraiture. This convenience is a pleasing feature of having your photograph taken right in your home. His miniatures are art creations and many will be glad to know that he is continuing this work.

Mr. Lawrence is anxious to have the Musician's and Artist's Club organized, and to this end has offered the use of his parlors. It has been suggested that all those who will attend a first meeting notify Mr. A.C. Ruoff and as soon as enough responses are in, a meeting will be called.


The lakewood Woman's Club organized the Lakewood Music School Settlement in the fall of 1923 to stimulate an interest in music. The school was operated under the supervision of the Public Welfare Dept. until two years ago, when the Board of Directors of the Club authorized the election of a Board of Management consisting of six members who elect the Chairman of the Board. This provision is found in the By Laws of the Constitution of the Club, Article IV. The Governing Board requires a monthly report from the Music School Board. These monthly reports have been made regularly by the Chairman of the Board, each report including the presentation of bills tothe Club Treasurer for the maintenance of the School and the depositing of receipts from the pupils. There has been no change of policy this year in the school.

There is a set of rules governing the activities of the School. These rules were drawn up by a committee with Mrs. Ziemer, Chairman, and were approved by the Board of Directors. The Music School Board has very definitely observed these rules in regard to a Committee on Inspection of worthy children and on the charge for lessons. Mrs. Wilber J. Wright, Mrs. H.S. Donaldson and Mrs. Hammelef have been responsible for approving the children whose names have been submitted for enrollment.

The Board meets regularly at 10 o'clock the third Monday of the month. Minutes of each meeting are recorded by Mrs. Hibben, Secretary of the Board.

The children assemble the third Wednesday of each month at Wilson School for one hour's inspection by Mr. L.N. Kurkdjie. At this time they receive the merit pins inscribed L.M.S.S. and after receiving five pins they receive agift of a book entitled "The History of Music."

Lessons in Piano and violin are given in the Wilson School Saturday mornings from 8 to 12 by the teaching staff, which includes Mrs. Roy A. Anderson, piano, Mrs. Lawrence Stevens, piano, and Mr. Clarence Lange, violin. Lessons were given thru the summer last year and will begiven thru the coming summer. The Board of Management of the school greatly appreciates the courtesy of the Board of Education in allowing the pupils the use of pianos and the school rooms.

I think the Club membership is well aware of the tremendous piece of work put on by the Board when our annual carol program was carried on. Thru the efforts of our carol chairman, Mrs. E. Arnett Smith, and her 25 district chairman who in turn listed an average of 5 or 6 leaders, the city was well covered with groups of carolers. We wish in this annual report to thank Mrs. Hugh Dawson who gave so generously of her time and strength as our publicity chairman, and all of those who helped in this project of the School. The money received was $959.29, which carried the school thru another year. A tea was held on Dec. 10th for the carol leaders. A musical program was given by Mr. Kurkdjie and Miss Thelma Merner.

The annual recital of the school was held Mar. 31, 1930. A splendid program was offered by the pupils and 95 guests were present. The social department of the Club arranged a most enjoyable social hour after the program.

Many of the children have been in the School for several years and we find several in high school and others moving along into the Junior High Schools.

There are 17 pupils in piano and 10 pupils in violin. Mr. KurkDjie, inspector of the School, is well satisfied with the progress of the pupils and the Board hopes that the Club membership approves the work it is doing. The work of this Board never ends; we do not have a club year, we have an all year round activity.

The pupils of the School will take part in Music Week starting May 11th which is sponsored by the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce with Judge Weyandt, Chairman of the Committee. The School will present a musical program for the children of the Children's Aid Society, 10427 Detroit Ave. Anyone interested is invited to hear this musical program.

The Board wishes to enlist the interest of the Club members in the work of the School and to thank everyone who in any way has helped to make the school a more useful part of the Club's activities.

(Signed) Armaida K. Rideout,

Chairman of the Board of Management.

April 1930


APRIL 27, 1931

The Lakewood Music School Settlement has operated during the past year on the same plan which was adopted by the Board of Directors of the Lakewood Woman's Club, found in Art. IV of the Constitution given in the Club year book. The six members of the Board (Mrs. H.S. Donaldson, Mrs. C.J. Marlow, Mrs. Arnett Smith, Mrs. A.C. Zackman, Mrs. W.J. Wright, Secretary, and Mrs. Rideout) have attended regularly the monthly meetings of the Board, held every third Monday morning. The Chairman of the Board has reported monthly to the Governing Board and submitted any questions which have arisen to the Board of Directors. All expenditures and receipts of the school have been presented to the governing board by the chairman and paid and credited by the Treas. of the Club.

There have been over 900 lessons given in Wilson School Bldg. on Saturday mornings during the past year. Over 30 pupils have enrolled in the school. In spite of the hard times, the pupils have continued their lessons. The teaching staff remains the same:

Mrs. Roy A. Anderson, piano,

Mr. Clarence J. Lange, violin,

Mr. Lawrence Stevens, piano.

There is a committee of three of the Board which recommends worthy children and arranges for half scholarships or full scholarships as the need arises.

Every third Wednesday of the month Mr. Kurkdjie, Supervisor of the school, and the teachers attend inspection hour with the pupils. This is compulsory and the results of the association of the teachers and pupils with Mr. Kurkdjie have proven worth while and beneficial.

It is not necessary for me to tell you again of the carol program put on by our carol chairman, Mrs. Zackman, only to say how successful and far reaching it was and how it has become an annual institution, touching the very life and heart of Lakewood.

The Spring Recital given by the pupils of the school in the Club Headquarters March 23, 1931, Monday afternoon, was a real treat, of which we as a club may well feel very proud. The way the children performed was a credit to us and to their teachers and left no doubt of the worth shile of it all, in the minds of the hundred club members and friends who attended. The Board appreciates the sincere efforts of the teachers and the untiring efforts of Mr. Kurkdjie, who so kindly attended the recital and inspired the children to do their best. A social hour followed the program.